Albanian URA and the sky.
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Albanian URA and the sky.
It's been a very interesting word in ancient ""greek"" for the word bridge:
This ""greek"" word is nothing more than the Albanian URA
Why? Because the meaning of this word is: "flipped U"=U e permbysur, and derives from the Albanian verb 'ra' (the past tense of fall)
fall (verb, p.t., p.p. fell, fallen)--bie (kr. thj., pj. rashë, rënë)
That because the shape of the bridge its been always an overthrown, inverted, flipped U.
This is the reason which makes the """greek""" word sky to show up like ou-ran-os= up side down U
because the sky has a shape of an up side down U:
But the Albanian verb ra can be used when you hit someone:
hit (verb) -----qëlloj=me ranë
Thats why Homer’s Iliad calls Pelasgian God “Zeus who thunders on high” and “the Thunderer”, hiting with lighting from above:
Δία δ' οὐ λάθε τερπικέραυνον:
Ζεῦ ἄνα Δωδωναῖε Πελασγικὲ τηλόθι ναίων
which in Albanian is: që ranësht= that hits, that falls
Another example is the animal's horns. Everybody knows that the animal uses the horns to shoot, hit= qe ra(alb):
that's why Ancient """Greek"" uses the same word like Albanian today: ' me i ra, që godet'
and this is the Albanian word që rasht= that serves to hit.
This ""greek"" word is nothing more than the Albanian URA
Why? Because the meaning of this word is: "flipped U"=U e permbysur, and derives from the Albanian verb 'ra' (the past tense of fall)
fall (verb, p.t., p.p. fell, fallen)--bie (kr. thj., pj. rashë, rënë)
That because the shape of the bridge its been always an overthrown, inverted, flipped U.
This is the reason which makes the """greek""" word sky to show up like ou-ran-os= up side down U
because the sky has a shape of an up side down U:
But the Albanian verb ra can be used when you hit someone:
hit (verb) -----qëlloj=me ranë
Thats why Homer’s Iliad calls Pelasgian God “Zeus who thunders on high” and “the Thunderer”, hiting with lighting from above:
Δία δ' οὐ λάθε τερπικέραυνον:
Ζεῦ ἄνα Δωδωναῖε Πελασγικὲ τηλόθι ναίων
which in Albanian is: që ranësht= that hits, that falls
Another example is the animal's horns. Everybody knows that the animal uses the horns to shoot, hit= qe ra(alb):
that's why Ancient """Greek"" uses the same word like Albanian today: ' me i ra, që godet'
and this is the Albanian word që rasht= that serves to hit.
Last edited by ZEUS10 on Wed May 27, 2009 9:24 pm; edited 3 times in total
Re: Albanian URA and the sky.
Me leje Z. Zeus? Hera e pare qe e degjoj fjalen rasht. Pra qe rasht. Qe i rashe po, por rasht asnjehere.. Nuk po e lidh dot gramatikisht kete fjale, ndonje sugjerim?
Re: Albanian URA and the sky.
ABC wrote:Me leje Z. Zeus? Hera e pare qe e degjoj fjalen rasht. Pra qe rasht. Qe i rashe po, por rasht asnjehere.. Nuk po e lidh dot gramatikisht kete fjale, ndonje sugjerim?
Shpeshhere ne shqip t shoqeron bashketingelloren e fundit te foljes ne kohen e shkuar per veten e trete. Psh ben-bent_e, merr-merrt_e, kish-kisht_e. Kur kombinimi eshte s(h)t atehete kemi te bejme me Ϛ stigmen e famshme ""greke"" ne fund te emrave dhe foljeve.
Stigma ( Ϛ, ϛ) is a ligature of the """"Greek"""" letters sigma and tau.
Ne fakt ajo tregon se ne te shkuaren shqipja ka perdorur per gjinoren e emrave kete ligature, kurse me kalimin e kohes u diferencuan ne s dhe t. Zeqo-Zeqos, Ylli-Yllit.
Persa i perket foljes rashë mendoj se ne """greqishten""" e lashte qe ka qene nje dialekt i vjeter shqip folja eshte theksuar rash(t):
Re: Albanian URA and the sky.
ZEUS10 wrote:ABC wrote:Me leje Z. Zeus? Hera e pare qe e degjoj fjalen rasht. Pra qe rasht. Qe i rashe po, por rasht asnjehere.. Nuk po e lidh dot gramatikisht kete fjale, ndonje sugjerim?
Shpeshhere ne shqip t shoqeron bashketingelloren e fundit te foljes ne kohen e shkuar per veten e trete. Psh ben-bent_e, merr-merrt_e, kish-kisht_e. Kur kombinimi eshte s(h)t atehete kemi te bejme me Ϛ stigmen e famshme ""greke"" ne fund te emrave dhe foljeve.
Stigma ( Ϛ, ϛ) is a ligature of the """"Greek"""" letters sigma and tau.
Ne fakt ajo tregon se ne te shkuaren shqipja ka perdorur per gjinoren e emrave kete ligature, kurse me kalimin e kohes u diferencuan ne s dhe t. Zeqo-Zeqos, Ylli-Yllit.
Persa i perket foljes rashë mendoj se ne """greqishten""" e lashte qe ka qene nje dialekt i vjeter shqip folja eshte theksuar rash(t):
Shume faleminderit per shpjegimin. Ne ne gramatiken e sotme shqipe i njohim ndryshe format e gjuhes se shkruar per kete nuk e mendova se mund te kishte qene "rash(t)e". Me dasht, me ka zene syri si ne pjese leximi ashtu edhe ne jeten e perditshme por kjo ishte forme e re per mua (faleminderit).
Ne kemi thene shpesh psh: Me te renen (qelluaren-goditjen) qe i beri e rrezoi perdhe. Pershendetje!
Re: Albanian URA and the sky.
ABC wrote:ZEUS10 wrote:ABC wrote:Me leje Z. Zeus? Hera e pare qe e degjoj fjalen rasht. Pra qe rasht. Qe i rashe po, por rasht asnjehere.. Nuk po e lidh dot gramatikisht kete fjale, ndonje sugjerim?
Shpeshhere ne shqip t shoqeron bashketingelloren e fundit te foljes ne kohen e shkuar per veten e trete. Psh ben-bent_e, merr-merrt_e, kish-kisht_e. Kur kombinimi eshte s(h)t atehete kemi te bejme me Ϛ stigmen e famshme ""greke"" ne fund te emrave dhe foljeve.
Stigma ( Ϛ, ϛ) is a ligature of the """"Greek"""" letters sigma and tau.
Ne fakt ajo tregon se ne te shkuaren shqipja ka perdorur per gjinoren e emrave kete ligature, kurse me kalimin e kohes u diferencuan ne s dhe t. Zeqo-Zeqos, Ylli-Yllit.
Persa i perket foljes rashë mendoj se ne """greqishten""" e lashte qe ka qene nje dialekt i vjeter shqip folja eshte theksuar rash(t):
Shume faleminderit per shpjegimin. Ne ne gramatiken e sotme shqipe i njohim ndryshe format e gjuhes se shkruar per kete nuk e mendova se mund te kishte qene "rash(t)e". Me dasht, me ka zene syri si ne pjese leximi ashtu edhe ne jeten e perditshme por kjo ishte forme e re per mua (faleminderit).
Ne kemi thene shpesh psh: Me te renen (qelluaren-goditjen) qe i beri e rrezoi perdhe. Pershendetje!
Mos te harrojme se kemi te bejme me nje forme te vjeter gjuhe, por gjithsesi folja shqipe me i ra perdoret rendom sidomos mbi toskeri, psh me i ra topit, duke i rene ne grusht, me i ra armikut ne shpine, duke rene ne toke. Renja eshte goditje si kur behet me qellim eshte dhe kur eshte renie e lire drejt tokes. Bien rrufete ne te shkuaren rane rrufete, eshte ajo qe kane perdorur """"greket"""" per malet keraune(malet e vetetimes) ne ka-ra_burunin e turqizuar por pa humbur rrenjen e lashte.
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